Season 7 - The Recruiter's Perspective

The Recruiter’s Perspective – Mary Kate Beck, Senior Sales Recruiter at Salesforce

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In this episode, we are talking about sales recruiting and sales in an organization can be a great career because you generally get paid well, you generate results, and the skills you acquire can be transferred to many other careers.

Mary Kate Beck is a Senior Sales Recruiter for the Fortune 500 CRM company, Salesforce and we talk about it all! With over 7 years of recruiting experience in an agency and in an organization, Mary Kate shares her professional journey along with providing clarity around location-based positions, sourcing vs. recruiting, being aware of emerging markets for an organization, nailing the recruiter screening interview, and much more.

One of the best pieces of advice Mary Kate offers is to obtain a referral. Most companies will prioritize referred candidates over blind applicants because there is a connection and support for that person. Salesforce takes it one step further and requires that all referred candidates be screened within 7 days of applying. So if you're looking to apply to Salesforce, you'll want to get connected to someone who already works there and get that referral!

Because of Mary Kate's experience in recruiting, this episode is packed with tips that will help job seekers in multiple career paths.
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About Mary Kate:

I am a recruiter by day and stand-up comedian by night!
I started my career in agency recruiting for a small boutique recruiting firm in Chicago, called BottomLine Recruiting. The firm is female-owned, very fast-paced, and taught me everything I know. I worked at BottomLine for 3 years, before making the move to Salesforce. I currently recruit for software sales account executives in Texas, Colorado, and Utah. I love recruiting, building personal relationships with my candidates, and offering people their dream job! When I’m not screening candidates or sending LinkedIn messages, I am performing stand-up comedy at clubs all over Chicago including Zanies, Comedy Bar, and Laugh Factory. You can find more information on my website 

Connect with Mary Kate on LinkedIn:
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