Season 6

From Working Security To Managing Corporate Partnerships, A Lesson In Persistence On Your Career Journey

An interview with Bryan Schiller, Strategic Partnerships Manager at The Grammy Museum Foundation
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Let's talk about the energy of this interview. Bryan Schiller is a powerhouse of enthusiasm and energy and it's no surprise that he is where he is in his career. Persistence is the best word I can use to describe Bryan's career journey. Currently, he is the Strategic Partnerships Manager at the Grammy Museum, but his road this position will shock you and inspire you.

His career kicked off with an interest in law enforcement, which due to a few less than ideal experiences in security moved him away from that path until an opportunity presented itself. Bryan persistence and enthusiasm for the work he does and specifically the mission of the Grammy Museum will inspire you.

One of my favorite parts of his story is how he owns every career situation - good and bad - that he's experienced. He knows where he messed up and he has interwoven those experiences into his career story to make him a stronger employee and team member.

The power of LinkedIn shows up twice in this high-energy interview. First in how Bryan and I are connected and have been connected for many years through LinkedIn. I helped him start his LinkedIn page and prepare his first professional résumé. Next in how Bryan got connected with AEG, which eventually led to his Grammy Museum position by connecting with a recruiter on LinkedIn after a networking event.

While I have loved every guest and interview I have done, this interview holds a special place because unknowing to me, the coaching I gave and the resources from my office at the time have impacted Bryan's career in a positive way, even to this day. You don't always get to know the impact you've had on someone or their career. That the information you shared with them has allowed them to go down a path or influence their career in a positive way. This is not what I was expecting when I reached out to Bryan, but it was a nice additional to this interview.

Book Recommendation:
The Alchemist
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About Bryan Schiller:

Bryan Schiller works as the Strategic Partnerships Manager with the GRAMMY Museum Foundation, a 501 c (3) with a mission rooted in music education. Focusing on building corporate sponsorships that enhance the Museum’s impact on the community and through its educational programs he is dedicated to helping make music an indelible part of our society. With a background in security and law enforcement, Bryan navigated from working the Lobby of the Museum to getting his start in Group & Premium suite sales at the STAPLES Center before transitioning back to the Museum. Although, the Museum has been closed due to COVID since March 2020, he has found creative ways to forge partnerships to build out the Museum’s digital footprint and is excited to see the impactful work on the community that will be done through the power of music!

Connect with Bryan:

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