Season 9: The Collective Season

The Collective Season: The Relationship Between Food and Burnout in High Performers with Ahuva Hershkop

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Ahuva Hershkop is a Registered Dietitian + Coach who helps perfectionists evaluate, understand, and manage their relationship with food. We cover how food impacts our career, changing our language and habits with food for our kids, and getting to the root of misplaced beliefs about food you likely have had since childhood.

Ahuva works with high-achieving women ready to step back from the brink of burnout and start creating a life that they love without compromising on their professional goals. She is the Founder of ARM Yourself Dietetics, a pediatric-based nutrition practice in Toronto focused on raising intuitive eaters, and the Unapologetic Living Code, her 12-week coaching program for high achievers. She empowers women to foster the self-trust and confidence necessary to create a working and home life that lights them up, instead of burning them out and finally give themselves permission to start enjoying it all instead of just doing it all. 

This episode is also about shifting your perspective on our relationship with food and wellness in general, and I have to say, it's one of my favorites yet. Ahuva shares some incredible insights about the old paradigms we're still operating from and how we can shift our thinking to a more positive and empowering mindset.

Here are a few actions and takeaways from this packed episode:

It's not about getting it right. One of the biggest things that Ahuva talks about is how we've been conditioned to think that there is a "right" way to exercise or eat or take care of our bodies. But the truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding what works for you and your body, and letting go of the idea that there is some perfect formula that you need to follow.

Awareness is key. Ahuva also talks about how important it is to become aware of the old paradigms and definitions that we're operating from. When we're stuck in the mud and trying to turn in a new direction, it's often because our subconscious is still operating from old ways of thinking. By becoming aware of these patterns, we can start to make real change in our lives.

Set yourself up for success. One of the actions that we outline in this episode is all about setting yourself up for success. This means taking small steps to make changes in your life that will help you achieve your goals. Whether it's signing up for a fitness class or meal prepping for the week ahead, there are so many small things you can do to set yourself up for success.

Overall, I think this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to shift their mindset around burnout, perfectionism, and food. 

Ahuva's Resource:
Click Here to learn how to get time back in your week!

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A little bit about Ahuva:

Ahuva works with high-achieving women ready to step back from the brink of burnout and start creating a life that they love without compromising on their professional goals. She is the Founder of ARM Yourself Dietetics, a pediatric-based nutrition practice in Toronto focused on raising intuitive eaters, and the Unapologetic Living Code, her 12-week coaching program for high achievers. She empowers women to foster the self-trust and confidence necessary to create a working and home life that lights them up, instead of burning them out and finally give themselves permission to start enjoying it all instead of just doing it all. 
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