Season 5

The Journey From Military Veteran to Finding Clarity and Purpose to Becoming Culture Expert

An Interview With Craig Forman, Lead People Scientist at Culture Amp
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Podcast Audio Only:
If you are someone who feels like you are the only one jumping from position to position without clarity or purpose, this is the interview to watch.

From the influence of camp in his formative years to understanding the realities of the military culture and its need for structure, Craig Forman shares his wisdom from his personal experience and research.

As the lead people scientist at the SAAS tech company, Culture Amp, Craig is helping transform organizational culture in one of the world’s largest tech hubs. But this isn’t where his journey started.

Through multiple client-facing positions, including a stint in higher education and LinkedIn, Craig realized that his passion was helping people be happier at work by transforming organizational culture and management practices.

This interview is face-paced, informative and will be a great resource for anyone interested in being a better manager, finding purpose in their work, and learning how to own their career path.

Primed to Perform
Applied Empathy - Michael Ventura
Fred Kofman - The Meaning Revolution 
Daring Greatly - Brené Brown 
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About Craig Forman:

Craig Forman is a Lead People Scientist with Culture Amp where he both supports organizations in building effective people and culture strategies along with building the Culture First community, the world's largest community of people who believe a better world of work is possible. He has built his career on a genuine curiosity of people and the ability to host honest and challenging conversations in a conscientious and insightful way. At the core of his work is a mission to help the world work better by improving the places we work. He holds a Master’s degree in Industrial / Organizational Psychology, is a proud veteran of the US Air Force.

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