Season 2: Career Foundations
Listen to the episode HERE.

This is the final episode of our recruiter tips mini-series as part of season two. If you want to learn more about the types of recruiters out there, listen to their job search tips, or their resume tips – check out episodes 16 and 17 of season 2. I’ll link them below.
In this episode I share my interview tips from my time as a hiring manager, as well as multiple interview tips from our recruiters Alice Liu and Eric Mason.
I love the tips provided in this episode it helps you know how to stand out and gives you insight into how a hiring manager may think.

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Season 2: Career Foundations
After all the foundational tips and advice I have given you through this season, I wanted to have a few episodes where we focus on tips from others, namely recruiters or talent acquisition professionals. In this episode Alice Liu and Eric Mason are back with their resume tips and they don’t disappoint!
Eric shares practical resume tips that you would think most people know, but recruiters consistently see and it impacts you ability to get to the interview.
Alice shares a piece of advice that I actually disagree with, but I also explain why that’s important and how you deal with it if you are faced with something similar. Alice also shares some of the BEST tips for you to go the extra mile in the hiring process.
Referenced Podcast Episodes:
First episode in this mini-series:
Interested in receiving the resume guide when it comes out? Sign-up for emails here:

Season 2: Career Foundations
Have you ever wondered how best to connect with recruiters or talent acquisition professionals? This episode is the first of a 3-part mini-series within season 2 where I’m sharing tips and advice from a few of my recruiter friends. This episode will focus on their best tips for job seekers.
Starting out this episode I share the most common types of recruiters or talent acquisition professionals you might run into in the hiring process including a corporate recruiter, recruiter for a recruitment agency, a headhunter, and a staffing agency.
It’s also worth noting that I share one of my most embarrassing moments with a recruitment agency early in my career.
Special thanks to Eric Mason, Mike Conte, and Alice Liu for their job search tips!

If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

Season 2: Career Foundations
The topic for this episode is around disappointment in the job search process. This is a common feeling experienced and expressed by job seekers usually when they don’t get the interview, but more prominently when they make it through multiple interviews and don’t get the position.
Disappointment is never easy to mitigate or manage. I have found that clients who let others control their career trajectory are prone to more disappointment because they aren’t doing the intentional work to take control of where they want their career to go. You can’t wait until you hate your position or your manager or your company to look for the next opportunity. Whether it’s in your current company or you want to move on, you need to be actively meeting with professionals, refining your career path, and sharing your hopes and dreams for your career. When you are clear about what you want and you share it, people will remember and look out for you.
Can we avoid disappointment in this process? Yes and no. This episode will go over my three main tips to keep in mind through the job search process to mitigate disappointment. Notice I didn’t say avoid or not have disappointment, because this is a natural reaction when we don’t achieve something we want.

If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on InstagramLinkedIn, or Facebook.

Season 2: Career Foundations
How do you know what questions to ask in an interview? Are there off limits questions? How many questions are too many questions? Are there different questions to ask if you have more experience? I am answering all these in this episode!
This episode will dive into how your values play a part on the questions you ask and I’ll break down the types of interviews you might encounter in your process and the appropriate questions for each stage.
I also talk about researching the organization you’re interviewing with and how to ask questions around the information you find.
Values Podcast referenced in the episode:

If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on InstagramLinkedIn, or Facebook.

Season 2: Career Foundations
I’m excited about this episode because it will be a go-to episode when you need to write content for your resume. While my content is focused more on mid-level professionals, the process I am sharing today on how to write content for your resume is applicable to ANYONE who needs to write a resume.
This is another pen and paper episode in which you might want to take notes, but not required.
This episode breaks down how to write a statement on your resume and take it from generic and boring to unique and accomplished. I also give my tips for brainstorming content to help you write your statement easily.
I’ll be putting together a resume guide soon, so go to the website – – to get on the mailing list so you are the first to know when it’s available!
I want to note that I do not provide resume editing services unless you are an established client.

If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on InstagramLinkedIn, or Facebook.

Season 2: Career Foundations
We are diving into how to answer interview questions in this episode. I will cover my 3-step process and break down answers to a few common interview questions such as “Tell me about your leadership style?” and “Tell me how you handle conflict?”
I also give my thoughts on discrimination in the interview process and hiring managers hiding behind the “You weren’t a good fit” statement.
This episode is definitely a pen and paper one and a great episode to save when that interview opportunity presents itself.

If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on InstagramLinkedIn, or Facebook.

Season 2: Career Foundations
Episode 11 is going to give you a high-level overview, along with multiple tactical, actionable strategies to figure out what’s next in your career.
In this episode I also let you in on a little (or big) secret that most career coaches and professionals DON’T want you to know!
Areas covered in this episode:
(1) Interests
(2) Skills
(3) Values
(4) Dreams or Passion
I also spend time discussing dealbreakers within your career, especially as you advance and have more experience under your belt. Career dealbreakers are almost always tied to a bigger value and need to be considered when making a career move.
Career Clarity eBook referenced in the episode:

If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on InstagramLinkedIn, or Facebook.

Season 2: Career Foundations
Resumes for more experienced professionals should look different than early career. You’ve probably had a few professional experiences, you’ve made an impact within your organization or industry, you might be managing people, but you aren’t in the beginning anymore.
Resumes at this level are more often read by humans than machines. You might need to submit and official application through an electronic system or an Application Tracking System, but you have likely been referred for a position or headhunted to apply. In this case, you want to make sure you don’t do the following on your resume:
1. Don’t undervalue your experience
2. Don’t focus of menial tasks
3. Don’t forget about soft skills
4. Don’t make the resume hard to follow
5. Don’t get attached to irrelevant experiences
Other episodes related to this content:

If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on InstagramLinkedIn, or Facebook.

Season 2: Career Foundations
The Job Search Narrative is the story or pitch that you have when you are looking for a new position. The interesting part is that you don’t have to be actively job searching to have a good job search narrative. This is similar to an elevator pitch, but more intentional.
A job search narrative is more about the story you are telling about who you are as a professional and where you are headed in your career. It is the next level of depth past an elevator pitch to inform someone of your professional status.
In this episode, I share my own experience of not having a good job search narrative that cost me positions and I share examples of what a good narrative sounds like and what an unprepared narrative sounds like.
The components of the Job Search Narrative include:
1. Know where you are headed.
2. Know what makes you awesome.
3. Be prepared to talk about a big project or accomplishment in your career that support where you are headed.
Here is the Career Clarity eBook I referenced in the episode:
BONUS: At the very end of the podcast, after the closing music, I shared a short recording my son made with me – He’s 2.5. Enjoy!
If you are interested in learning more or connecting on social please follow Ride the Tide Collective on InstagramLinkedIn, or Facebook.