Season 2: Career Foundations
One of the main reasons people tell me they don’t want to leave a position, outside of financial security, is lack of clarity and confidence around what to do. This feeling can 100% be remedied if you are ready to do the work. There is no quick fix to finding a job or advancing in your career, but being strategic and doing the work will pay off. If you’re ready to work, let’s go.
This 20-episode season is designed to provide career foundations for experienced professionals. We are going to give you the tools to find clarity and confidence, help you with your resume, give you simple interview strategies, known job search strategies, negotiation tactics, and more all with an experienced professional in mind.

If you want to connect on social you can find Ride The Tide Collective on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can also sign up to receive emails with the latest podcast updates and relevant content to help you advance in your career!

This podcast is going to focus on how to manage your career during a crisis. The current crisis happens to be a new virus, but in the future there could be a different crisis and these tips will still apply. Think about Y2K or the crash of 2008. These were all events that impacted the world of work in different ways.
I want to start with making sure you know and understand how you react, function, and manage during a crisis situation. Being able to identify this will help you figure out the best way to move forward and where your blind spots might be during a crisis.
I believe there are 3 types of professionals in a crisis:
1. The level headed professional
2. The over-reacting professional
3. The I don’t care it’s probably not real anyway professional
The point of identifying this in yourself is being realistic about how you handle and manage extremely stressful situations and immediate change.
A crisis like this can have a major impact on the economy and jobs. This episode will give you actions to think about taking when it comes to your career. I will outline different scenarios you might encounter and provide you with actions to manage the situation.
I reference season 1 of the podcast “Should I Quit My Job?” and the episode on How to Set Intentional Career Goals.

Given what is happening in the world right now, I want to make sure I provide relevant content for my listeners and this topic seems to be at the forefront of many people’s minds.
While I understand not everyone has the ability to work remotely, because it is such a new situation for many people, I want to make sure you are set up for success if you fall into this group.
My first few tips are going apply to everyone and are foundational to working from home. Then I’ll provide some tips that might only apply to some of you including how to manage projects and what to do with children. Childcare and managing all these tiny humans who are now home seems to be one of the questions I have seen most. These tips can at least get you started and set up to manage this new season as best you can.
At the end of the day, you need to do what is best for you, you’re family, and your career. Working from home can be easy for some and hard for others. This will also be an especially hard time for organizations and industries where there is little trust of the staff.
If you are in a position where you are questioning your current career or asking yourself “Should I Quit My Job?” Use this time to listen to season 1 of this podcast to help you get clear and make some decisions and plans for the future of your career.
If you have any questions or want to connect of social you can find Ride the Tide Collective on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Season 1: Should I Quit My Job?
This is the last episode of season 1 and it’s all about your questions! This topic of whether you should quit your job is obviously very personal and there are a lot of nuances to answering it for yourself. While I have provided an overview and specific actions to get started, there is a lot more that could have been addressed — hence the q&a episode!
Thank you to those who submitted questions! Here are the questions that will be addressed:
  • How do I know if I’m cut out for management?
  • Tell me about recommendations. Who do you ask? Does it matter?
  • What is the best way to resign? Especially if you are frustrated or annoyed with your manager. When do you submit the resignation letter, exit interview, etc. Basically, how do you keep it all professional?
  • How do I know if I need a career coach or therapy?
  • I don’t really like my job, but I have to stay. There aren’t opportunities for growth – what should I do?
  • Do you have any advice on explaining a career switch to your significant other or family, especially when they think you’re crazy?
  • I know I can do more with my career, but I have a family and time feels scarce – how do I balance time with my family and moving forward in my career?

Take our quick assessment to determine if you should quit your job! Click HERE!
If you have any questions, please send an email to, send me a DM on Instagram, or send me a message on LinkedIn. I look forward to connecting with you!

Season 1: Should I Quit My Job?
This episode is all about the next steps if you have decided that you are ready to QUIT and move on from your position. The strategies and tactics I am going to provide in this episode will focus on professionals who are ready for the next move but don’t have any issues in their position or who recognize they don’t fit in their current role or company well and want to make a change. I want to be clear that I am not speaking to people who are in crisis mode with their job. I am speaking to professionals who want to move forward strategically and have time to do so.
Similar to Episode 8, I will pose 3 questions you need to be able to articulate BEFORE you embark on using the strategies I outline.
Please know that this is a long-term strategy, not a quick fix. If you need a quick fix, hire a career coach, get out of your position, and then use this model to help you move up or out of the new role. This process could easily take a year or more to complete, depending on the foundation you already have established.
Some professionals are natural networkers who have a level of confidence that will get them noticed immediately. This type of person might only need a few months to find a new role. Others are starting from nothing or want to switch functional areas or industries, which will take longer in establish.
Regardless of the situation you are in, if you are ready to move up or out of a position, take the time to do the work. Don’t rush the process, keep your spirits high, and see every situation as an opportunity to learn and better yourself.

Take our quick assessment to determine if you should quit your job! Click HERE!
In the last episode of season one, I am going to do some Q&A. If you have any questions, please send an email to, send me a DM on Instagram, or send me a message on LinkedIn. I look forward to connecting with you!

Season 1: Should I Quit My Job?
This episode is all about the next steps if you have decided that you DO NOT want to quit or move on from your job. We are going to talk about what it means to stay in your position and the next steps you need to take to advance your career.
Over this season, you have taken an internal look at yourself through identifying who you are – your interests, your skills, what drives you. We have had some tough love conversations around whether you are the problem and we have looked at the external impacts that your boss and the company or team culture can create for you. Now what? You’ve decided that you like you job enough or you are in a season where it makes sense to stay, how do you move forward?
I’m going to cover 3 tactical action-packed strategies for professionals in this scenario, as well as pose a set of questions that you need to articulate BEFORE you start moving on the strategies.

Take our quick assessment to determine if you should quit your job! Click HERE!
In the last episode of season one, I am going to do some Q&A. If you have any questions, please send an email to, send me a DM on Instagram, or send me a message on LinkedIn. I look forward to connecting with you!

Season 1: Should I Quit My Job?
Culture can make or break a company. Happy employees mean happy customers which translates to higher profits, if that’s the goal. These days, you are seeing more and more companies of all sizes start to embrace this concept because employees today are more interested in being happy, having balance, and making an impact than they are about loyalty to an organization who doesn’t respect their values.
The culture of an organization can be just as important as your relationship with your boss or whether you like the work you do. This episode will open your eyes to three scenarios about company culture that you will want to be aware of as you advance in your career. It’s possible you might be in one of these situations now!
Here is a sneak peek:
1. The printed culture of the company, what you read on the website, is the not reality.
2. You were misled about the culture of the company or team or similarly, you weren’t able to read between the lines during the interview process.
3. Your team culture might be great, but your company culture is in the toilet.
Each scenario runs through relevant situations and I share my experiences with a few of these scenarios as well.

Take our quick assessment to determine if you should quit your job! Click HERE!

Season 1: Should I Quit My Job?
In this episode we are going walk through 3 scenarios that you might encounter if you have a crazy boss, how you can manage them immediately, and whether they are grounds to quit your job.
Scenario 1 – Your boss is Hot and Cold.
Scenario 2 – You never see your boss do any actual work and don’t understand why they have this job to begin with.
Scenario 3 – Your boss shares information with you they shouldn’t about other co-workers, leaders, or company issues.
This episode is equal parts evaluating your current reality and looking inside to make sure you are being fair to those around you. Sometimes, we have a tendency to take out our frustrations on others and this episode might unlock some internal bias or conflict you didn’t know was there.

Take our quick assessment to determine if you should quit your job! Click HERE!
I referenced an earlier episode called “Managing Your Incompetent Boss” which can be found HERE.

Season 1: Should I Quit My Job?
Let’s be real. Sometimes we are the problem and the ability to identify that within ourselves and own it is hard. But if you don’t identify it and you don’t own it, you will continue to be in situations at work, and probably life, where you aren’t getting ahead or connecting the way you would like.
This episode is all about vulnerability. I share with you some of my lowest professional moments, how I handled them – or didn’t – and how I learned from them.
From there, I give you three important questions to consider to determine if you might be the problem and the one holding you back in your career.
We are very quick to blame others for our lack of success, but in reality, our actions and behavior might the very thing keeping us from being our best.

Take our quick assessment to determine if you should quit your job! Click HERE!

Season 1: Should I Quit My Job?
These seem like simple questions, right? Do you like your work? Are you good at it? Truthfully, this can be very complicated. You might like work, but you aren’t that great at it, so you don’t advance. You might be good at the work, but you secretly hate it. You might like the work and be good at it, but something is missing. You might hate the work and be terrible at it, which in this case, get out now.
In this episode, I’m speaking to those who want more from their work. They want to do meaningful work and work they enjoy. They also want to excel and get better. They want promotions and new experiences.
How do we get there?
Identifying interests and skills and how they relate to your values is where we are headed in this episode. I provide examples of how I’ve seen clients make all three work, the challenges when one or more of them don’t align, and why this is important to figuring out if you should quit your job.

Take our quick assessment to determine if you should quit your job! Click HERE!

NOTE: We have decided to suspend the Facebook Group. If you are looking to connect, please follow Ride the Tide Collective on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.