Are you ready to make a change in your career, but the last few years have made you question what you really want?
This masterclass will help you make quick decisions and confirm the next best step in your career.

"I want something different in my career, but I'm not sure what to do or what I'm even good at doing..."

"I'm not sure if I have enough experience to make a change in my career, but I'm seeing coworkers with less experience than me get new jobs..."

"I feel lost, but I'm ready to figure out what's next in my career..."
Are you looking for CLARITY about the next step in your career?

Do you need help making DECISIONS about the career options available to you?

Do you need CONFIDENCE to help you feel secure moving forward in your career journey?
✓  You'll make immediate career decisions. 
✓  You'll articulate the top skills that make you stand out.
✓  You'll identify your top values to help you make immediate decisions.
✓  You'll write a Job Search Narrative to inspire confidence in who you are and where you're headed.
✓  You'll use the information you articulate to update key components of your LinkedIn profile.
✓  You'll identify your immediate career goal and next action step beyond the workshop.

>>> INVESTMENT: $97 <<<
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By the end of the workshop you'll have...
✓  CLARITY about the next step in your career.

✓ DECISIONS made about career options available to you.

✓ CONFIDENCE moving forward in your career journey.

✓ IDENTIFIED skills + values.

✓ ARTICULATED a Job Search Narrative.
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This is your coach...

Meet Julia Toothacre, MS

Julia has been career coaching for over 11 years, holds a counseling-focused masters degree, and is certified in multiple personality assessments.

She is passionate about helping professionals strategize and take action to control and advance in their career.
Wasn't this a live workshop?
Yes, this is a recording of a live workshop I presented and includes 60 minutes of content and 30 minutes of questions from the attendees.

How long will I have access to the workshop?
You will have unlimited access to the workshop along with additional video resources and a PDF workbook. These are resources that can be used over again in your career journey.

How do I access the workshop + PDF workbook once I purchase?
You will receive an email with additional instructions that includes a link to my online course portal which will house the workshop and additional resources.

Is there coaching available with this offer?
This offer is for a self-paced, workshop-style masterclass that walks you through specific actions to take and was designed to be a DIY offer without coaching. Should you want coaching, I suggest my Career Action Coaching package.